A event that sees sport as the obvious protagonist as well as the entire territory and the unique natural beauty such as the emerald green beaches that distinguish the Costa Smeralda!
The race
OLBIA21 is the half marathon of the city of Olbia scheduled for next May 4th.
The event is organized by the Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica PAO (Podistica Amatori Olbia) in collaboration with FollowYourPassion and with the patronage of the Municipality of Olbia, Department of Sport, and Fidal.
Olbia21, with a panoramic route starting and finishing on the city’s seafront, includes a coastal route during which participants will have the sensation of running on emerald waters.
In addition to the half marathon, there will also be a 10 Km COMPETITIVE route, suitable for sprinters, and 7,3 Km NON COMPETITIVE (STRAOLBIA), a Family Run/walk suitable for everyone and all ages, with a city route among the points of greatest cultural and naturalistic interest in the city.