MilanoTRI | Milano10K

On May 3th FollowYourPassion comes back to ldroscalo di Milano with a double unmissable event:

MilanoTRI: triathlon on sprint & olympic distances

Milano10K: the 10 km run at the sunset, dedicated to all training levels with both competitive and non-competitive formats.

MilanoTRI Milano10K

One of the most awaited races that opens the triathlon season in Italy.

Two distances: 


Olympic | 1,5 km swimming, 40 km cycling, 10 km running

Sprint | 750 m swimming, 20 km cycling, 5 km running


When the sun goes down and the city tends to fall asleep, it’s time to lace our shoes and arrive to the finish line before the night comes. Over a safety course far from cars and dangers. 

One only distance:


10km | Competitive and Non-Competitive

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